If you prefer a visual demonstration of the software, here is a a video guide-through of Ledgible Tax Professional:
This article provides an overview of the data visualization tools available on the Ledgible Tax Pro Client Management dashboard. This dashboard acts as the landing page when a Tax Pro logs in to their Ledgible account. Once signed in, it can also be accessed at any time by selecting the Clients tab on the top left of the menu. This dashboard contains the following:
- Add Client button
- Client Summary
- Active Clients list
- Filtering the Active Clients list
- Action buttons
Add Client button
This button allows you to invite your clients to create a Ledgible Tax account so they can add their digital asset information. See Connecting a Tax Preparer with a Tax Payer for step-by-step instructions. In addition to gaining access to tax forms and common tax software files, both tax preparers and taxpayers can use the platform simultaneously to review transactions or discuss year-end planning strategies.
Client Summary
The first section of the Client Management dashboard, Client Summary, displays a simple graphical representation of the overall state of your client workflow. The total number of active clients is displayed on the left. To the right is a bar graph showing how many client returns are in each status. As they progress through the each status, client returns flow from left to right in the graph. See Viewing (and Understanding) Client Tax Account Status to learn more about each status.
Active Clients list
The Active Clients list, positioned below the Client Summary infographics, is a detailed and comprehensive directory of the client returns that your team is working on at any given time. Each row of the table corresponds to a client return; the columns include (from left to right) the Client Name, the Client Created Date, the Tax Year, the Return Status, the Client Payment Status, and finally several buttons to manage your client returns.
You can view more detailed information about each return by clicking the down arrow just to the left of the client name in the first column. These details include the Contact Name and Email address associated with the return, the Tax Year, Consent Status, the email address of Tax Pro who invited the client (Created By), the client's chosen Tax Method for calculation, the last date and time a team member sent a client an invitation (Code Last Sent) and the unique GoSystem Locator number.
To the right of the Client Details pane, the Payment Status pane will also show whether the Client Paid or if there is a Client Payment Required for the Tax Pro team to have access to the client return or for reports to be available to either party. If the client has not added the Tax Pro Code to their Settings, this box will only display the message Invite Pending.
Filtering the Active Clients List
To more easily navigate between a large number of client returns, Ledgible Tax Pro provides several options to filter and sort the Active Clients list.
- First, you may type in a specific client name or other search term directly in the search bar above the Active Clients list; the list will update to only show matching returns.
- To the right, the list can be filtered based on Tax Year, return Status and Client Payment Status by selecting a value in each of the corresponding drop-down menus. Only returns with the selected attribute will be displayed in the list.
- Finally, the list can be sorted by the values in each column. To sort by column, click the desired column label at the top of the chart. The first click will sort alphabetically or numerically, shown with an up arrow to the right of the column name. A second immediate click on the column label will update the column to be sorted in reverse alphabetical or numerical order, shown with a down arrow to the right of the selected column name. The default sort order is by alphabetical order of the Client Name column.
Action buttons
The buttons under the Action column on the right of the Active Clients list will be active or grayed out depending on the client return status and client payment status of each return. The buttons have the following functions:
- Open: Opens a client return as though you are the client. You can view or manage the client return on their behalf. This is useful in case your client is stuck and needs assistance or you want to collaborate with them at the same time on next year's tax planning.
- Report: Generates the selected type of report or tax/accounting software import file.
- More: Manages invites, permissions and client details. The options shown will change depending on the client return status and client payment status of the return. All client returns will have the option to Edit Client Details, which allows a Tax Pro to edit the Client Account Name, Contact Name, Tax Pro Display Name, Tax System, and GoSystem Locator (optional). For accounts that have not yet linked to the Tax Pro account by adding your Tax Pro Code to their Settings, you will have the option to Resend Invite. For accounts that have linked to your Tax Pro account you will see the option to Revoke Consent, which prevents any Tax Pros from accessing the sensitive data that would normally be easily accessible through the Open button; your team members will only be able to generate reports and files for the return's data sources from the Report button. Finally, all client returns will have the option to remove it from the Tax Pro account by selecting Remove Client.