If you Quickbooks Online instance has received multiple instances of the same data from Ledgible (overlap during historical transaction imports, etc), users can remove the duplicate entries from the general ledger software by following these steps:
- Log in to the QuickBooks Online account you have associated with Ledgible via the log-in page.
- Click the 'Reports' button on the navigation bar at the left of the screen.
- On the Reports page, scroll down to the 'For my accountant' section and select 'Journal'.
- The journal report will open, showing entries brought in from Ledgible.
- Scroll up slightly, and set the journal report dates to the period with duplicate transactions.
- Delete any Ledgible journal entries that you would like to remove, using the below steps as necessary:
1. Click the blue, linked Journal Entry number for the entry:
2. On the Journal Entry detail panel that is shown, click the "More" button at the bottom:
3. On the 'More' menu click "Delete":
4. Click "Yes" on the confirmation message:
After deleting the entries following this method they will no longer be factored into your bookkeeping.