Please note that this article is outdated, but may still be relevant in certain cases. Please reach out to Support with a date range of historical data and we will bring your transactions across automatically according to your mappings.
As the Ledgible Crypto accounting sync to Xero works on a forward basis after you first configure it, you may wish to also pull in historical information to true up your records.
This article will walk you through the process of creating an export file with the information required, and then pulling it in to your Xero instance.
Generating a Transaction History Export
To get started, you'll want to follow the steps shared in our guide to creating and downloading an OFX Transaction Export file.
Importing to Xero
Once you've downloaded your transaction export file, just take the following steps to pull the transactions into Xero!
1. While logged in to your Xero instance, click 'Accounting' and then 'Bank Accounts':
2. On the bank account you would like to associate your historical Ledgible transactions with, click the 'Manage Account' dropdown button and then select 'Import a Statement' under 'Reconcile':
3. On the statement import screen, click the 'Browse' button and select the transaction export file you just downloaded:
4. Once the file has been selected, click the green 'Import' button - this will process the file contents and pull them in to Xero:
5. Xero will take you to the Bank Reconciliation screen, where you can choose to match each line item from the import with an existing Xero transaction, or to create a new one based on the line item
That's all you need to do to catch up with any historical transactions from Ledgible!