To import your cryptocurrency exchange by File Import:
- Log into your Ledgible account.
- Navigate to the Crypto Sources tab.
- Click Add Source on the top right-hand side.
- Under the Exchange category, choose the Exchange you would like to bring into Ledgible. For the purposes of this example we will be using Coinbase.
- Once you have clicked the exchange you want to add, name the crypto source, and select Import Exchange activity from a file in the box that opens.
- On the next page, you will see a list of instructions on how to export a CSV file from your selected exchange, and on the right, you will be able to upload your CSV file by clicking the blue rectangle. Please note that there is no formatting required for listed exchanges, but if you have selected Unlisted Exchange, a template file will be provided with instructions for formatting. Please see this article for more information, specifically the section Adding an unlisted Exchange.
- Click Create on the next page, and your transactions will be added into Ledgible.