If the Transactions table in your Ledgible dashboard shows multiple transaction exceptions due to missing buy orders from an exchange or transfers-in from a wallet you do not control, it may be quicker to add one manual entry to cover the sum of the missing transactions (or one entry for each cryptocurrency if more than one type), rather than correct each exception one manual entry at a time.
First, if your Ledgible dashboard displays a warning at the top that a Tax Update Refresh is needed, please complete that first as it may correct some transaction exceptions.
Next, go to your Transactions tab and filter by Needs Review under Tax Disposals.
You can find the total quantity of the missing cryptocurrency by calculating the sum of flagged disposal transaction exceptions, then subtracting the partial amounts shown if you click the '+' button on the exception row where the disposal was at least partially covered. Do this for each type of cryptocurrency that has missing source funds.
Rather than making separate entries for each taxable event, you can add one entry to Ledgible for a Transfer-in to cover all of the missing transaction exceptions of each cryptocurrency, which would allow the cost basis to be calculated appropriately for any taxable events. This way if you later sell or dispose of any crypto (or already have), there will be a cost basis established for the full amount. See Adding a Manual Entry for a New Wallet for more information on how to add the manual entry.
Don't forget to run a Tax Update Refresh when done adding transactions! If you have a large amount of transactions, please allow some time for the Ledgible platform to perform new calculations on your data.