If you performed a crypto to crypto swap, and Ledgible is not transferring the cost basis from the outgoing transaction to the incoming, you can use the cost assign feature to ensure both sides of your swap are priced correctly.
- Navigate to the swap you would like to edit. In our example, let's say we swapped 60.4579 MATIC for 2.8013 ATOM. Using the Cost Assign feature will replace the cost basis on the incoming ATOM transaction with the proceeds of the outgoing MATIC. Start by selecting the two with the tickboxes.
- Next, click Select Bulk Action towards the top of the transaction table, and then Assign Cost Basis. After, click Confirm.
- The cost basis on the incoming ATOM transaction will now be replaced with the proceeds of the outgoing MATIC.
- You can revert the changes made at any point by clicking the Cost Assign flag. Then, select the transactions you would like to remove from the cost assignment, or all transactions if you would like tor evert to the initial state.