If you have previously connected your Ledgible Tax Payer account to a Tax Professional account, you can revoke consent for the Tax Pro to have access to your account. Revoking consent is different to disconnecting from your Tax Preparer, as while your Tax Preparer will not be able to access your account, they will still be able to generate reports based on the data you uploaded prior to revoking consent. Disconnecting will remove any ability your Tax Preparer has to access your data.
To do these:
- Navigate to the Settings menu in the top right corner of any page in Ledgible.
- On the right side of the settings page, you will have the Tax Pro Connection box. Click the Actions button to bring up available options.
- Click Block Access if you would like your Tax Professional to be able to view your account at a later date after reauthorizing and generate reports based off of your data, or Disconnect if you would like to remove the Tax Professional from your account entirely.
- If you blocked access for your Tax Preparer, you can reauthorize the Tax Preparer to view your account by navigating to the same settings page, clicking Actions, and then Grant Access.